Charcuterie: The ULTIMATE Summer staple!
Charcuterie boards are EASY and the best way to entertain! I always have the very best intentions to host and entertain people. However, I am finding that the same intentions I always have give way to the same excuses. When I was younger, it was that I had small...
3 EASY WAYS You Are Forgetting To Get In Front Of Your Audience
I want to preface something. I love Instagram. Like love it so much that I have to set time constraints on it via the new handy-dandy Iphone "Screen time" update. Instagram feels easy to me. Especially now that we have IG Stories, I feel like I can finally live out my...

Get Results *Even When Life is Crazy*
This photo is not only a depiction of what my life often LOOKS like, but also a depiction of what my life FEELS like It’s a little bit of a circus, a little bit piece-milled together and DEFINITELY fun. And hard. And often makes me feel like there is...
5 Things You Need to Know as a Mompreneur
Honestly, I hate the urban dictionary word deemed “Mompreneur”. I mean it’s a clever take in a society that lives for name combinations. It’s fine, but sometimes it makes me feel a little under-valued, maybe? Like I am not an all-the-way entrepreneur. Like I have one...

3 Ways To Stay On Track While Traveling
Last week, I shared a little bit about my reasoning for creating the "Guide To The Best-ish Fast Food Choices". You can read that post here. The goal isn’t to become a fast food junkie! Quite the contrary! It is to guide thru those less than stellar times when we are...
Take Control Of Your Body Composition
There is definitely something to be said about our NATURAL body disposition. Read about Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs and Endomorphs here. You could be naturally pre-disposed to one type primarily, or like me, maybe be a mixture of all 3. I love this information because it...
Fill Your Cup: Getting Out of The Mom Martyr Mindset
I've been talking a lot to friends and clients lately and it seems like many of us are in a season of exhaustion. I have been been encouraging them to find some non-negotiables to put back into their life. A non-negotiable is something that, no matter what the...
4 Postpartum Mistakes To Avoid
The first weeks at home after a baby is born are so sweet...and scary...and exhausting. It's a virtual reality game with no instructions, no manual and no one blueprint matches everyone. You are just literally taking everything-every question and concern day by day or...
Breaking Barriers: Lies Women Tell Themselves {Part IV}
Today I am leaving with you the final installment of my Breaking Barriers series! I have to tell you, it has been an emotional journey for me to dig into these. I feel like at times, even writing them, the Enemy sprung at me in attack on the very things I was fighting...
Breaking Barriers: Lies Women Tell Themselves {Part III}
I am married to a real go-getter. In every sense of the word. Brent is the most visionary person I know. He sees what he wants, makes a plan and goes after it. I mean really goes after it. He loves to take risks and doesn't focus so much on the "what-ifs" and "maybe...